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EDit Software
numbering software
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Getting Onsite Assistance from EDit Software

Help at your site - on your PC.

EDit Software offers you support that includes personalized one-on-one help while you sit at your PC. You will temporarily permit a connection to be made from EDit Software to your PC where an advisor will demonstrate on your PC screen how to accomplish the task you want to complete. If you want to take advantage of this service, read on.

Numbering Assistance
EDit Software
Numbering Assistance Numbering Assistance
your PC
Numbering Assistance Numbering Assistance


- Download and install numberED. Use numberED on your PC with your printer(s). There are tutorials (how to documents) under the main menu option Help..., Training... Print out a few of those training docs and follow them closely. Then if you need further assistance, the following steps can be taken.

- Call or Skype EDit Software and ask for online assistance. You must be able to connect to the Internet for this kind of assistance to happen.

- EDit Software will connect to your PC (after permission) and explain answers to your numberED questions by voice while demonstrating numberED on your Desktop.